Gender equality is necessary for sustainable development and to improve the well-being of all people. That is why the Regional Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour incorporates the gender approach to make visible and confront the inequalities that especially affect girls, boys and adolescents due to the intersections between gender and child labour.
In line with this objective, the International Labour Organization (ILO) -in its capacity as Technical Secretariat of the Regional Initiative- carried out a mapping to identify and offer existing information resources at the global, regional and country levels, in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. These resources recognize and provide information about the situation of girls, boys and adolescents in child labour and gender.
This systematization aims to provide documentation and tools for mainstreaming the gender approach in public policies and programs, making available the international regulatory framework on equality matters, and promoting the promotion of the rights of children and adolescents in all interactions that may involve gender inequality and discrimination.
The results of the mapping can be seen in this Toolbox on Gender, Children and Adolescents in Child Labour.

It has been carried out considering the 30 member countries of the Regional Initiative, including documentation at the regional and sub-regional level.
Resources are classified into:
1. Studies and research
2. Manuals, guidelines and courses
3. Reports
4. Regulatory framework
5. Experience systematization
6. Observatories
7. Gender indicators or indices
At the same time, they are also classified according to their relevance and approach to the specific matter into:
1. International Organization
2. Public Institutions
3. Civil Society Organizations
In a complementary manner, the section Links of interest is included, which aims to make available a list of websites of civil society organizations and equality institutions that address the issue of gender in the member countries of the Regional Initiative.